
Fukuoka, 日本, 2024

Privacy and Curtains – Located just a three-minute walk from a subway station in a commercial area dense with mid-to-high-rise buildings,...


Nagasaki, 日本, 2023

This condominium is set to be constructed facing the Honmyo River, a first-class river and waterside space. Across the river lies Isahaya...


Tianshui, 中国, 2023

This is a complex facility for a library and day service for the elderly built in a small rural town. Since the site faces a residential...


Oita, 日本, 2022

This project involved the renewal of a children's playground located in a corner of a large commercial facility. We created a beautiful a...


Shanghai, 中国, 2022

This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered struc...


日本, 2022

The site is a 3-minute walk from the subway station, and the front 5.5-meter road connects to the main street. The multi-tenant building ...


Tianshui, 中国, 2020

Kaleidoscope in Tianshui is a kindergarten located in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, China. The first fascinating feature is using ten di...


Jinan, 中国, 2020

The 29-story office building with a maximum height of 126 m is located in the development zone around the new high-speed railroad station...

Vertical Rainbow

Tokyo, 日本, 2019

The former headquarters building was a stereotypical pencil building that merely met the legal requirement for evacuation. Now that it ha...


Tianjin, 中国, 2012

The elementary school consists of eight volumes that house the regular and special classrooms. These volumes are divided into four levels...


Beijing, 中国, 2012

This winery is located on a small island in the center of a vast vineyard. There is a restaurant and clubhouse on the ground and a wine c...


Beijing, 中国, 2012

Motor shows are venues designed to highlight the superiority of one's own vehicles, and at the same time, they are places where companies...


Tianjin, 中国, 2012

This kindergarten is formed by curves. R-shaped windows with rounded corners are used to create the atmosphere of freedom and pleasant. ...


Beijing, 中国, 2012

Apartment, Club House


上海, 中国, 2012

Head office of clothing firm


Beijing, 中国, 2010

Exhibition hall


Shanghai, 中国, 2010

据说6岁儿童的视角范围,在水平与垂直方向都只有成人的6成左右。如果相乘,面积比就是4成以下了。如果再考虑到由于低视点造成的障碍,这个比率就更低了。 因此以孩子的视角来认识空间,与成人的感官完全不同。孩子用与成人完全不同的眼光来认识这个世界。 本内装项目,是儿童服...


Beijing, 中国, 2009

Interior design for a Szechuan restaurant occupying one floor of a high-rise building, consisting of 10 closed "private rooms" and 23 gen...

Cube Tube

Jinhua, 中国, 2009

‘CUBE TUBE’ consists of an office building and a restaurant building in the new Economic Development Zone in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. A...


Beijing, 中国, 2008

“MOSAIC in Beijing" is a mixed-use development consisting of a residential complex and a shopping mall in an economic development zone in...


Beijing, 中国, 2008

北京是以东西轴和南北轴为基础而建造的城市,几乎所有城区都沿其方向成长方形。 建筑物及其外观也都是按照正南正北或者正东正西方向建造。建筑密度低时,街道整齐美观,正向建筑的优点可以充分体现。 但是密度一旦超过300%,相邻建筑的立面距离过近,北向居室的增加等问题就会产生。 ...


Barcelona, Spain, 2007

"Imaginarium" is a portmanteau of "imagination" and "rium" (place), and it is the name of a toy brand from Spain. The flagship store is l...


杭州, 中国, 2007

网 身体/皮肤 衣服是2维面料裁剪、缝制而成,用于包裹3维身体。并且由于其可以调节体温的功用而发祥,我们可以把它看作从身体扩张而出的"第二层皮肤"。空间也是包裹着身体,可以调节体温,但是由于其不可移动性又与衣服有着根本的区别。


Beijing, 中国, 2005

店铺分为两层,一层是活动中心,二层是画本专卖店。 彩带‘围绕’部分空间并‘巡回’其中。 两种虹色的彩带营造出可以培养孩子好奇心的氛围。 活动中心里回旋着长度色彩各不相同的十二条彩带,可以定期举办故事会或者放映动画。 利用地面、墙壁、天...