

Gräberkirche St. Mariä Heimsuchung

Alsdorf, Germany, 2023

In der Gräberkirche St. Mariä Heimsuchung in Alsdorf stärkt die Beleuchtung die Umnutzungskonzeption. In der ehemals katholischen Pfarr...

Frédéric Dedelley Produkt- und Raumgestaltung

Catholic Church of St. Anna, Schindellegi

Schindellegi, Switzerland, 2024

A link between the baroque and the modern day, the landscape and the man-made. There are many boulders scattered across the area aroun...

bbz landschaftsarchitekten

Kloster Kappel

Kappel am Albis, Switzerland, 2019

Die neuen Gärten des Kloster Kappel – Das ehemalige Kloster Kappel ist ein historisch einzigartiger Ort und ein Baudenkmal von nationaler...

kodai and associates


Fukuyama-city, Japan, 2017

Yuichi Kodai's work as an architecture director in SANDWICH Inc. | KOHTEI is an art pavilion built in Shinshoji Zen Museum and Gardens w...


Housing for Generations in St.Chrischona

Bettingen, Switzerland, 2023

In 2013, the sisters and the Board of Trustees decided, in line with the purpose of the foundation, to build an extended community living...

Approach Architecture Studio

Zen Center at Baoguo Temple

Ziyang, China, 2015

The Baoguo Temple Zen Center is located in a Buddhist temple in Ziyang, Sichuan, which can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. The origina...

Achitekturbüro F.X. Wuhrer

Klinikkapelle Singen Hohentwiel

Singen, Germany, 2019

Moderne trifft Tradition – Umbau und Sanierung der Klinikkapelle in Singen BJ 1928 Architekt Prof. Hermann Billing *1867,✝︎1946 Buntg...

Panoorama Design

Leitsystem - Münchner Liebfrauendom

Munich, Germany, 2020

The Cathedral of Our Dear Lady in Munich is one of the most famous landmarks of the Bavarian capital and has been dedicated to the Mother...

Brückner & Brückner Architekten


Tirschenreuth, Germany, 2022

Neubau Wegkapelle in den Waldnaabauen. Errichtet vom Rotary Club Stiftland 2022 Beinahe 900 Jahre ist es her, dass die Zisterzienser dam...

Compagnie O. Architects

Cemetery Pavilions Brasschaat

Brasschaat, Belgium, 2021

The service buildings on all four of Brasschaat’s cemeteries are in need of an update. They fulfil the double function of reception and s...

Frédéric Dedelley Produkt- und Raumgestaltung

Memorial Landscape, Serata, Stiftung für das…

Thalwil, Switzerland, 2022

A Setting for Memorial Gestures Placing stones to honor the dead - this old Jewish tradition has found its way to Christian cemeteries...

Jos. Berchtold AG

Ersatzneubau Krematorium Thun

Thun, Switzerland, 2021

«Einfache, aber grosse architektonische Ausstrahlung» Mit diesen Worten begründete die Jury das Siegerprojekt von Markus Schietsch Archi...

Studio 10

Hall of Immortality at Longshan Cemetery

Jiaozuo, China, 2020

In cities or villages, regardless of where we live, mortality is the destiny shared by us all. When its inevitability is a given, how ...

120 grammi :: laboratorio di architettura

Small family chapel

Paese, Italy, 2021

Il progetto di questa piccola cappella di famiglia si configura come sperimentazione sulle forme e sui materiali in relazione allo scorre...

Christoph Hesse Architects


Referinghausen, Germany, 2020

The Open Mind Place Heidentempel (pagan temple) is a place to rest and to get in contact with nature and people. It is located directly o...

Christoph Hesse Architects

Unterholz and Oberholz

Referinghausen, Germany, 2020

This installation is located on the multigenerational square of Referinghausen. In the lower part, seating possibilities for young and el...

Christoph Hesse Architects


Referinghausen, Germany, 2020

On the hill dedicated to the annual Easter fire above Referinghausen thrones the Open Mind Place Sonnenklang. The tent-shaped roof over a...

Frédéric Dedelley Produkt- und Raumgestaltung

St. Pirminius Catholic Church

Pfungen, Switzerland, 2015

Clear shapes and bright blue create a cheerful, dignified atmosphere. My competition entry for redesigning the listed church interior ...

Birk Heilmeyer und Frenzel Architekten

Jüberg Tower

Hemer, Germany, 2010

Visible from far away, the look-out tower Jüberg is prominently positioned at the end of a long flight of stairs, marking the end point o...

Alberto Ballesteros Barea

Paths that life does not erase

San Sebastián, Spain

Conversion of a factory into a cemetery Routine procedures currently deprive final moments of significance, deteriorating mourning custo...

Gonzalo Muñoz Guerrero

Where do boats lay to rest?

Puerto Gala, Chile

Sea cemetery for the fishermen of Puerto gala. The architecture of this project is nothing more than the drawing of the Chilean funeral ...

Morgane Lahaye

Double exposure

Muntac, Switzerland

the complex layering of domesticity An intuitive, personal and narrative research* about a Swiss vernacular house, a family and the desi...

Philip Kistner Fotografie

Kapelle und Aussegnungshalle

Ahaus, Germany, 2019

Neubau der Aussegnungshalle und Sanierung der Friedhofskapelle in Ahaus

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

Ossuary in Hino Cemetery Park

Yokohama, Japan, 2018

Seven gardens that add seasonality to paying respects The ossuary built adjacent to Hino Park Cemetery, which boasts one of the most abu...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Ding Hui Yuan Zen & Tea Chamber

Beijing, China, 2016

This is a factory renovation project. Rebuilt into an office in its latest renovation, the old factory experienced several times of renov...

Christoph Hesse Architects


Referinghausen, Germany, 2020

The Pflug reminisces of the village’s rural origins. Digitized records that tell stories of ancestors’ daily life are reproduced. A stair...

Christoph Hesse Architects

Room of Silence

Korbach, Germany, 2019

The Room of Silence, a conversion of a former goat‘s stable, has been transformed, together with the local population, into a meeting pla...

Paradigm Design House

Kwizera Chapel: Rwanda Chapel

Rwanda, Rwanda, 2013

This was an entry to Young Architects Competition: Rwanda Chapel. Concept: It is a matter of choice to change the destiny and create a b...

Atelier TeamMinus

Jianamani Visitor Center

Yushu, China, 2010

Yushu is a highly regarded religious center to Tibetans. Its significance comes mainly from Jianamani, the world's largest Tibetan Buddhi...

holger meyer architektur

Abtei Michaelsberg

Siegburg, Germany, 2017

Inmitten der Stadt Siegburg thront imposant das 1096 gegründete Kloster Michaelsberg auf einem Hügel. Mit viel Gespür für Historie und Ma...

Marques Architekten AG

Lebensraum Klostergarten

Luzern, Switzerland, 2019 -

Within the walls of the Capuchin monastery in Wesemlin, living close to the monastery is to be created for people looking for the deeper ...

Love Architecture

Hasshoden - Charnel house in Ryusenji Temple

Saitama, Japan, 2015

Opens the temple to community as a place to interact with "life" In recent years, the decay of local communities due to urbanization h...

Bürgi Schärer Architekten AG

Neubau Abdankungshalle Bümpliz

Bern, Switzerland, 2004

Der Raum mit 50 Sitzplätzen und einer schützenden Vorhalle steht Angehörigen aller Kulturen und Religionen offen. Im Friedhof mit seinen ...

proMesh GmbH


Cologne, Germany, 2014

Located on the Helmholtz square in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne, in 1959 St. Bartholomew’s was inaugurated as the parish church. 55 ...

Hans H. Münchhalfen

Couvent des Capucines

Sion, Switzerland, Switzerland, 1968

Mirco Ravanne, Venedig (Aufnahmen September 2017)

sander.hofrichter architekten

Auferstehungskirche Gemeindezentrum…

Speyer, Germany, 2002

Neubau Sakralraum Ausgangssituation für den Entwurf war das bestehende Gemeindezentrum der Heiliggeist Kirchengemeinde in Speyer und der...

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