Fukasawa House

Tokyo, Japon
Photo © MDS Co.Ltd Architectural Studio

Wood architecture involves inherent limitations, such as the fact that spans cannot easily exceed a certain width, but those limitations can also be interpreted as the unique character of wooden structures.

This project chooses the latter interpretation, and intentionally plays them up. The frame is composed of V-shaped posts supporting beams constructed from commonly available timber elements. These are lined up to create a space that is fairly large for a wood-framed structure. The post-and-beam sets themselves serve to define the boundaries of the space.

Photo © MDS Co.Ltd Architectural Studio
Photo © MDS Co.Ltd Architectural Studio
Photo © MDS Co.Ltd Architectural Studio
Photo © MDS Co.Ltd Architectural Studio
Kiyotoshi Mori + Natsuko Kawamura / MDS
Tokyo, Japon

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