Still life painted in three colour planes. The Italian painter Gorgio Morandi delighted in the small things of everyday life and the colour atmosphere of his still-lifes is world famous. He was obsessed with the interplay and the juxtaposition of objects. The colour palette builds on the idea of the church in transition. The historical fragments, the sand-coloured tower and the church in brick brown, are combined with a third structure in a terracotta shade.
Location: Cologne Südstadt
Client: Protestant congregation of Cologne
Competition: Invited competition in 2019, 2nd prize
Project status: Competition completed
Function: Church
BGH: 1,400 m²
The competition was prompted by the desire of the Protestant congregation of Cologne to develop the church location “Lutherkirche” in Südstadt in a contemporary manner. The distinctive, listed tower and the church building are to remain. The building, which until now has housed parish rooms, offices and the pastor’s flat, is to be replaced. The new building ensemble is to be a visible sign of lively interaction in the city.
The design by O&O Baukunst strengthens the urban position of Martin Luther Square, where the Luther Church is located. The tower is exposed by a new external staircase so that its sculptural effect is positively emphasised. The church will be freed from its annexes and will be directly accessible from the street. A third structure is added to the ensemble, creating new entrances, views and freedom of movement. A meeting place will be created with the “Blue Hall” and gastronomy on the ground floor of the new building. The gates of the square open up to the surrounding neighbourhood.
The special feature of the Luther Church is its extensive range of different events and activities it offers. The design supports this by creating additional space for lively gatherings and social interaction. The open atmosphere of the church, the multifunctional event space and the gastronomy together form an integrative place that plays a role both inwards into the community and outwards into the neighbourhood.